The 2nd International Conference on Drug Discovery & Therapy: Dubai, February 1 - 4, 2010

Challenges in Anti-cancer Drug discovery and Development

Cancer remains the second leading cause of death both in industrilized and non-industrilized countries and is increasing in incidence elsewhere in the world as the population ages. The enormous advances in knowledge, science and technology in the 21st century have facilated the process of globilization with the aim of better quality of life for all. The development of more effective, efficient, less risky and less toxic drugs for teatment of cancer has been a major human endeavor for the past 50 years. With the introduction of the “targeted drugs” and currently available treatment regimens, 5-year survival rate amoung the adults for all cancers has increased to approximately 65%. The improvement in the survival rate of childhood leukemia (ALL), being the most fatal childhood cancer, over the past 35 years is one of the great success stories of cancer treatment. In the 1960s, while less than 5 percent of children with ALL survived for more than five years, today, about 85 pecent of children live five years or more.

The 2nd International Conference on Drug Discovery and Therapy to be held in Dubai in February 2009, on Oncology (Pre-clinical Section) will try to address all areas towards anti-cancer agents. Emphasis is given to drugs that have recently been introduced into the cancer therapy including: inhibitors of chromatin function, target-based inhibitors of signal transduction (tyrosine kinase inhibitors) and cyclindependent kinases, and angiogenesis inhibitors acting on metalloproteinases, epithelial cell growth, and angiogenesis stimulation. There will be presentation for contributers working on hormone synthesis inhibitors and hormone-receptors blockers, RNAinterference, role of pharmacogenomics in anti-cancer drug development and computer aided-strategies for anti-cancer drug design and development and related areas.

Emel Arinç
Turkish Academy of Sciences &
Middle East Technical University
Ankara, Turkey


Dr. Emel Arinç (Emel Tarkan) received her BSc and MSc in Chemical Engineering in 1963 from Istanbul University. She received her MSc in 1969 and Ph.D in 1974 in Biochemistry from North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC. She worked as a postdoctoral fellow in the laboratory of Molecular Pharmacology at the National Institute of Health Sciences/NIH, in Research Triangle Park, N.C. from 1974 to 1976.

Scientific Contributions: While working in NIEHS/NIH, she is the one who, for the first time, isolated and purified cytochrome P450 in a biocatalytically active form from an extrahepatic tissue, a lung (Arinç, E. & Philpot, R.M., J. of Biol. Chem., 25, 3213-3220, 1976), which opened up a road for understanding of CYP induced chemical carcinogenesis in lung and other extrahepatic tissues. Her scientific contributions are over 150 publications including articles, proceedings and book chapters.

Professional Experience: She has been on the faculty in the department of Biological Sciences at the Middle East Technical University , Ankara, Turkey since 1976 and since 1988 has been professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. She was on sabbatical leave as a Fulbright Scholar in the department of Biochemistry, University of Connecticut Health Center, Connecticut (1985-1987). Dr. Arinç was the head of the department of Biological Sciences (1984-1985) and of the Joint Graduate Program in Biochemistry in (1982-1985) and in (1987-1998).

Research Interests: Cancer pharmacogenetics, toxicogenomics, chemical carcinogenesis, nutrition and cancer prevention, cytochrome P450 dependent drug metabolism in disease state, i.e in diabetics; The structure, function and, the regulation of the hepatic and pulmonary cytochrome P450 dependent drug metabolizing enzymes. In vivo and in vitro drug-drug, drug-toxicant interactions; Biotechnology, biomarkers and pollution monitoring.

Professional Societies and Activities: Member of the Editorial board of Journal of Biochemical and Molecular Toxicology (1991-). Eczacibasi Foundation Scientific Award in Medicine (1984). Member of Turkish Academy of Sciences (1996-). Organizer and Director of the NATO Advanced Study Institute on “Molecular Aspects of Monooxygenases and Bioactivation of Toxic Compounds in Izmir, Turkey 1989. Director of the NATO Advanced Study Institute on “Molecular Aspects of Oxidative Drug Metabolizing Enzymes and Their Significance in Environmental Toxicology, Chemical Carcinogenesis and Health” in Kusadasi, Turkey, 1993. Organizer and Director of the NATO Advanced Study Institute on “Molecular and Applied Aspects of Oxidative Drug Metabolizing Enzymes”. Antalya, Turkey, 1997, and co-editor of the above NATO ASI Proceedings.

Co-chair of 19th European Workshop on Drug Metabolism held in Antalya, Turkey, in 2004.

Chair of the 9th International ISSX (International Society for Study of Xenobiotics) Meeting to be held in Istanbul on September 4-8, 2010.

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