Poster Presenter
On a new way of large-scale Mo-99
production in molten salt fluoride fuel
Dmitry Yurievich Chuvilin, D.Yu.Chuvilin and V.A.Zagryadskiy
The problems of Mo-99 world production are considered. Is marked,
that the current state of large-scale Mo-99 production is close
to critical, due to exhaustion of a work resource of the majority
research reactors and the potentials of nuclear technologies used
for this purpose.
The crisis of Mo-99 production gives exclusive chance for realization
of new approaches to its reception, capable providing scale law-waste
production based on the use of low-enriched uranium LEU.
One of the possible alternatives is the technology of Mo-99 production,
using effect of a spontaneous exit of Mo-99 from molten salt fluoride
fuel in a gas phase which was first observed during operation of
reactor MSRE (ORNL). Up to 50 % of Mo-99 in the form of volatile
fluorides appeared in gas covering free surfaces of salt. The main
amount of fission products remained in fuel.
The proposed concept of the Mo-99 molten salt production technology
can be developed as for creation of special-ized MSR, as for creation
of reactor loop installations with LEU MS fuel in existing research