Poster Presenter
ProBiS Algorithm for Detection
of Structurally Conserved Protein Binding Sites
Janez Konc and Dusanka Janezic
Detection of recurrent three-dimensional
patterns of locally conserved physicochemical properties on the
surface of a protein can be used to detect binding sites in proteins
that may lack sequence and global structural conservation.
An algorithm, ProBiS is described which detects structurally conserved
sites on protein surfaces by local surface structure alignment.
It compares the query protein to members of a database of protein
3D structures with sub-residue precision and detects structurally
conserved sites located on the protein surface with sub-residue
precision. Using an efficient maximum clique algorithm, the program
identifies proteins which share local structural similarities with
the query protein and generates structure-based alignments of these
proteins with the query. Structural conservation scores are calculated
for query protein's surface residues, which are then expressed as
different colors on the query protein surface. The algorithm has
been used successfully for the detection of protein-protein, protein-small
ligand, and protein-DNA binding sites.