The 2nd International Conference on Drug Discovery & Therapy: Dubai, February 1 - 4, 2010

Poster Presenter

The Effects Of Neurotoxic Insecticides On Concentration Of Proteine In Analyzin Organs
J. Stankovic-Ciric, V. Davidovic, V. M. Varagic and S. Milovanovic

The neurotoxic insecticides (lindan, malathion, permethrine) are known to increase the expected frequency of the occurrence of undesirable effects in humans exposed to these agents. Depending on routes and duration of exposure, they may represent the danger to human and animal health. The better knowledge of the mechanism(s) of toxic activity of these insecticides, particularly on the damage of the cellular membrane through lipid peroxydation and the role of the antioxydative defense, might indicate the possibility of antagonizing their toxic effects. Malathion, lindan and permethrine were injected intraperitoneally to rats in doses of 1, 3 and 5 mg/kg. One hour later in these animals were determined the level of lipid peroxydation and the activities of superoxyde dismutase and catalase in the brown fat tissue, in the heart and in the hypothalamus. It was found that malathion produced tissue-specific changes in lipid peroxydation, which might be the consequence of different effects of noradrenaline on the antioxydative status in various organs. Lindan and permethrine produce the oxydative stress and increase the level of peroxydation in the heart and hypothalamus, whereas the level of lipid peroxydation in the brown fat tissue was decreased. Malathion was found to decrease the activities of superoxyde dismutase and catalase in the heart and hypothalamus, but an increase of these enzymes was found in the brown fat tissue. Lindan was found to decrease the activities of superoxyde dismutase and catalase in the brown fattissue and in hypothalamus, whereas no change was found in the heart. This effect is considered to be due to increased production of nitric oxyde which is known to affect the activities of these enzymes. Permethrine was consistently found to decrease the activities of antioxydative enzymes in all investigated organs. This effect is also thought to be due to the increased production of nitric oxyde. In summary, all the three neurotoxic isecticides produce damage of the cellular membrane through lipid peroxydation and modification of function of enzymes of the antioxydative protection.

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