The 2nd International Conference on Drug Discovery & Therapy: Dubai, February 1 - 4, 2010

Session Speaker

Origins of Endogenous Diseases, Aging and Evolution are Determined by Geomagnetic Storms and Fatigue Stiffening of Cells
Valery P. Kisel

We are dying not from diseases, we are dying through our lack of knowledge. Paracelsus

Nothing can be more important than understanding of life organization. J. Watson

In the first quarter of the 20th century Prof. A. L. Chizhevskii showed that the weather on Earth and the social behavior and health of people and other poultry are strongly correlated with periodical powerful explosions (apparent Sun sports and the invisible ones) on the Sun surface stimulated by gravitational and electromagnetic fields from the other planets and stars. These magnetic storms are the products of powerful currents of charged particles from the phase transitions in stars to the Earth, and these disorders in Earth’s magnetic field plus its own disturbances due to changes in interplanetary fields, deformation of lithosphere under the effect of Sun, Moon and other planets, etc. directly influence on biological molecular structures and cells with their mechanical hardening or softening (Kisel and Kissel, 2006; Kisel and Martirosyan, 2008).

The body stress adaptation and disadaptation are the organisms’ reactions to any internal and external stress attacks (H. Selye, 1936). The symptoms of disadaptation are one of the main triggers for the excessive production of reactive oxygen species (ROS), additional inflammations, edema with painful syndrome and even the bleeding in different tissues (parodontosis, hemorrhoids, arthritis, insult, infarct, cancer, multiple hemorrhages, hypertonic crisis, etc.), the origin of diseases and intensification of aging (Kisel and Kissel, 2006), social events (Gumilev, 1990; Vladimirskii, 2009) and paranormal phenomena (Vladimirskii, 2009), etc. They are concerned with the stiffening of biological tissues. Ultralow frequencies of these geomagnetic storms (at magnetic field amplitudes H 40 nT) harden the young biological tissues at dominated periods of field oscillations T ~ 02-2hrs. At the same time the tissues of old and sick people are hardened at T 4-10 hrs. These conclusions were obtained with the help of the data of Institute of the Earth Magnetism and Ionosphere, RAS (Troitsk, and they are in complete agreement with the so-called magneto-plastic effect in solids. All these conclusions strictly and independently confirm our theory of aging and biological evolution concerned with stiffening of biological tissues under metabolic fatigue deformation at cells transformations by the absolute coincidents of the scalings between the so-called starting flow (SF) and yield stresses (YS) in all materials (Kisel and Kissel, 2000) and the appropriate dependences of human vascular tissues where the SF = 2DSBP-SBP, YS = DSBP (the main stiffening characteristic of the tissue), SBP-systolic blood pressure, DSBP – diastolic blood pressure. All this proves the unity of the origin and evolution of inorganic and organic matter in the Universe.

Uncovered softening/stiffening effect of magnetic field on phase transitions (development of endogenous diseases, aging in biological tissues), the so-called magnetoplastic effect in plasticity (Kisel and Kissel, 2006), a persistent universal trend of amino acid gain and loss in proteins evolution (Zuckerkandl, Derancourt, Vogel, 1971; Jordan, Kondrashov, Adzhubei, Wolf, Koonin, Kondrashov, Sunyaev, 2005; Bazykin, Kondrashov, Ogurtsov, Sunyaev, Kondrashov, 2004) in the frames of gradual mechanical hardening at successive phase transitions again directly prove the main principles of species evolution, aging and the universality of origin and evolution of inorganic and organic forms of matter in the Universe.

German and Russian philosophers Oswald Spengler and Konstantin Leontjev, English historican Arnold J. Toynbee and Russian social anthropologist Lev N. Gumilev discussed the life duration of nations and civilizations and estimated their durability as several thousands of years, and the genetic estimations of nations life span gave approximately the same duration (Kisel and Kissel, 2006).

Phase transformations in biological cells (explosive events of diversity and population of species and diseases – for example, locust and plaque bacteria, evolution, aging and cancer (V.P. Kisel, 2009,; Kisel and Kissel, 2006), independent bursts in the development of human intellectual possibilities in different places of world (development of languages and history, the same inventions, culture, arts and sciences events, for example, in the medieval Renaissance, XIX-XX centuries, poltergeist (Gumilev, 1990; Vladimirskii, 2009), etc.) depend on the same geomagnetic deformation effects in biological tissues of various peoples.

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