- Academic CRO/Industrial collaborations in drug discovery [Track Description]
- Anti-Cancer Discovery & Therapy
- Anti-Infectives
- Biologics
- Cardiovascular Drug Discovery & Therapy
- Combinatorial Chemistry
- CNS Drug Discovery & Therapy
- Diabetes and Obesity Drug Discovery & Therapy
- Drug Delivery & Targeting
- Drug Discovery in Preclinical Research
- Derisking Drug Discovery
- Hit to Lead and Lead Optimization
- Enabling Technologies
- High-throughput Screening & Laboratory automation
- Hot Topics in Drug Targets
- Hot Topics in HIV Research
- Hot Topics in Medicinal Chemistry
- Hot Topics in Natural Products
- Inflammation and Immunology
- Innovative Drug Discovery and Nanotechnology
- In-silico Drug Design and in-silico screening
- Medical Imaging
- Pharmaceutical Biotechnology
- Pharmaceutical Research & Development
- Successful Drug Discovery from the Research Lab to the Marketplace
- First disclosure of Clinical Compounds
- Case Histories of Drugs on the Market
- Global Roundup of Pharmaceutical Research capabilities and Opportunities
- Middle East
- China
- Japan & Far East
- North America
- Europe
- South America
- India & Asia
- Africa
- Global Discovery Outsourcing
- Generic Pharmaceuticals: Challenges and Opportunities
- Regulatory Affairs
- Other Areas of Pharmaceutical R & D
- Pharmacogenomics
- Protein and Peptide Sciences
- Proteomics & Bioinformatics
- Pulmonary Drug Discovery & Therapy
- Recent Advances in Patient Treatment and Care
- Cardiovascular
- Central Nervous System
- Dentistry
- Dermatology
- Endocrinology
- Gastroenterology
- Microbiology
- Non-Prescription Drugs and Natural Health Products
- Oncology
- Pediatrics
- Pulmonary
- Recent Advances in Spectroscopy
- Regenerative Medicine
- Stem Cells
- Gene Therapy
- Tissue Engineering
- Recent Developments in Regenerated Medicine
- Stereoselective Synthesis of Bioactive Compounds
- Structural Biology
- Translational Medicine
- Women’s Health Drug Discovery & Therapy