Giuseppe Bersani
Address: Via di Torre Argentina, 21  00186, Rome
Work experience
- Professor of Psychiatry at the I Faculty of Medicine and Surgery of Sapienza University of Rome, Polo Pontino, Degree Course “E” and Coordinator of the Integrated Course of Psychiatry and Psychological  Medicine since Academic Year 2006-’08 to 2010-2011 (at present at Faculty of Pharmacy and Medicine)
- Professor of Psychiatry at the Degree Course “A”, Faculty of Pharmacy and Medicine, Sapienza 
University of Rome in the Academic year 2010-2011.

Reseacher and Aggregated Professor at the Department of Psychiatric Sciences and Psychological Medicine of “La Sapienza” University of Rome since November 11 1989 to date


Professor of Psychoendocrinology, Biological Psychiatry and Neuropsychopharmacology at the I Post-graduate School of Psychiatry of  “La Sapienza” University of Rome since Academic Year 1991-’92 to 2010-2011 and Professor in the integrated didactic activity of the School up to 2010- 2011


Professor of Psychiatry at the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery of “La Sapienza” University of Rome since Academic year 1997-’98 to 2006-‘07


Professor of Psychiatric Clinic at the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery of “La Sapienza”  University of Rome since Academic Year 1993-’94  to 1996-‘97


Professor of Mental Health, Neuropsychogeriatry, Social Psychiatry, Psychiatry and Physical Treatments at the II Post-graduate School of Psychiatry of “La Sapienza” University of Rome since Academic Year 1991-’92 to 2006-2007


Contract Professor of Psychopharmacology at the Postgraduate School of Psychiatry of the II University of Rome in Academic Years 1987-’88, 1988-’89, 1989-‘90

Occupation or position held

Head of the University Psychiatry Unit at the “A. Fiorini” Hospital in Terracina (LT) since november  2006 to date


Assistant and/or Head at the Psychiatry Clinic of the Policlinico Umberto I in Rome since november 1989 up to november 2006

Education and training

Specialization Degree in Clinical Criminology and Forensic Psychiatry  on  July 26, 1983, at “La Sapienza” University of Rome.


Specialization Degree in Psychiatry on July  24, 1980, at “La Sapienza” University of Rome.


Degree in Medicine and Surgery on November 5, 1976, at “La Sapienza” University of Rome.

Title of qualification awarded
Sapienza University of Rome
Personal skills and competences

Active in the research fields of biological psychiatry, genetic basis and biological implication of psychotic disorders, biological rhythms and chronobiology in psychiatric disorders, psychoneuroendocrinology, neuroimaging, neurological and cognitive correlates of psychotic disorders, psychopharmacology



Scientific Publication

Bersani G., Valeri M., Cavallari S., Piazza A., Ciani N., Casciani C.U.
The HLA System as a Genetic Marker of Affective Disorders: Reports on a  Population from  Central Italy, with Comments on Methodology
Biological Psychiatry, 20, 12, 1328-31,1985.


Bersani G., Valeri M., Bersani I., Piazza A., Adorno D., Casciani C.U. Ciani N.
HLA antigens and neuroleptic response in clinical subtypes of schizophrenia
Journal of Psychiatric Research, 23, 3/4, 213-20, 1989.


Bersani G., Bressa G.M., Meco G., Marini S., Pozzi F.
Combined Serotonin 5-HT2 and Dopamine D2 antagonism in Schizophrenia: clinical,  extrapyramidal and neuroendocrine response in a preliminary study with Risperidone  (R 64766)
Human Psychopharmacology - Clinical and Experimental, 5, 225-31, 1990.


Bersani G., Grispini A., Marini S., Pasini A., Valducci M., Ciani N.
5-HT2 antagonist Ritanserin in neuroleptic-induced parkinsonism :
a double-blind  comparison with Orphenadrine and placebo
Clinical Neuropharmacology, 13, 500-6, 1990.


5)   Bersani G., Marini S., Grispini A., Pasini A., Ciani N.
5-HT2 receptor antagonism in dysthymic disorder : a double-blind placebo- controlled study   with  Ritanserin
Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 82, 244-48, 1991.


Bersani G., Venturi P., Tanfani G., Pancheri P.
Cerebral ventricular enlargement and neuroleptic response in chronic
schizophrenia:  preliminary findings with risperidone
Human Psychopharmacology - Clinical and Experimental, 10, 53-8, 1995.


Bersani G., Garavini A., Taddei I., Tanfani G.,  Pancheri P.
Choroid plexus calcification as a possible clue of serotonin implication in    schizophrenia
Neuroscience  Letters,  259, 169-72, 1999.


Bersani G.,. Iannitelli A., Maselli P., Pancheri P., Aloe L., Angelucci F., Alleva E.                   Low nerve growth factor plasma levels in schizophrenic patients: a preliminary study “.
Schizophrenia  Research,  37, 201-203, 1999.


Bersani G., Garavini A., Taddei I., Tanfani G., Nordio M., Pancheri P. Computed  tomography   study of pineal calcification in schizophrenia .
European  Psychiatry, 17, 163-6, 1999.


Bersani G.,  Garavini A. Melatonin add-on in manic patients with treatment resistant insomnia.
Progress in Neuropsychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry, 14, 185-91, 2000


Bersani G., Orlandi V., Kotzalidis G., Pancheri P. Cannabis and schizophrenia:  impact on onset, corse, psychopathology and outcome European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience, 252, 86-92, 2002.


Bersani G., Orlandi v., Gherardelli S., Pancheri P.  Cannabis and Neurological Soft Signs in schizophrenia: absence of relationship and  influence on psychopathology  Psychopathology,  35, 289-95, 2002.


Bersani G., Garavini A., Iannitelli A., Quartini A., Nordio M., Di Biasi C., Gualdi G., Pancheri P.
Reduced pineal volume in male patients with schizophrenia: no relationship to  clinical features of the illness Neuroscience  Letters,  329, 246-8, 2002.


Bersani  G., Taddei., Manuali G., Ramieri L., Venturi P., Osborn J., Pancheri P.
 Severity of obstetric complications and risk of adult schizophrenia in male 

Textbooks (Chapters, etc.)

Bersani G., Pancheri P.
 Disturbi Schizofrenici. Alterazioni biochimiche
 In: Trattato Italiano di Psichiatria, I edizione  (a cura di G.B. Cassano, P. Pancheri et al.), Masson,  1992


Bersani G. (a cura di)
I Disturbi del Comportamento Alimentare
Il Pensiero Scientifico Editore, Roma, 1994 


Bersani G
Dimensione temporale
In:  Trattato Italiano di Psichiatria, II edizione  (a cura di Cassano G.B., Pancheri P. et al.), Masson, 1999


Bersani G.
 Decorso ed esiti della schizofrenia
 In: Trattato Italiano di Psichiatria, III edizione(a cura di Cassano G.B., Pancheri P. et al.), Masson,  2008


Bersani G.
 Ansia e Depressione.
 In: XXI Secolo - Il corpo e la mente.. Istituto dell’Enciclopedia Italiana, 2010