
Highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) has changed the landscape of HIV-related care in both the developed and developing countries. The availability and widespread use of HAART have resulted in a number of achievements as well as challenges. Since the early days of antiretroviral therapy, adherence has emerged as a milestone to success. There are factors militating against adherence to antiretroviral therapy among HIV-infected individuals particularly in the resource - limited settings. Limited laboratory infrastructure, lack of trained manpower and high cost of laboratory monitoring test pose a major problem to implementing HIV therapy in resource-poor settings. The disclosure of HIV serostatus is a difficult emotional task creating opportunity for support and rejection. The 6th ICDDT will be held in Dubai in February 2014 will address all areas pertinent to this endeavour, concentrating on leads that arise from highly active antiretroviral therapy, effect on the quality of life, laboratory monitoring of patients on HAART and HIV serostatus disclosure. There were presentations in varying subjects of Anaemia, Comparative analysis of malaria parasite density using actual and assumed white blood cell counts, Reference percentiles of haematological and biochemical iron values of blood donors, Prostate cancer diagnosis, Anti-microbiological drug resistance and other interesting topics in the area of Biomedical Science. The list catered to a number of contributions that stem from other sources, aiming to provide a well-informed and productive forum for examination of as wide a range as possible of approaches developed in disparate laboratories worldwide.