2011年2 月 7 -10日,迪拜 阿联酋
这次会议由Eureka Science 组织,并得到了阿联酋Higher Colleges of Technology 的支持。会议议题包括药物的发现、药物治疗和临床应用等医学学科领域。迪拜在2008 年 和2010年2 月成功地举行了两次会议,当时有好多名诺贝尔奖得主出席。我们保证这次第三届会议将会有更大的规模,包括500多个会谈和海报介绍与35个专题会议和相关的商业展览。
"Thank you again for the invitation to the most interesting and exciting meeting, which gave me the possibility to get into contact with totally different people than in previous meetings in the USA or Europe. Also the kind of diseases discussed, the problems involved etc., were very important. The scientific standard was very high and impressive." Prof. Dr. Karin Moelling (University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland)
"I was impressed not only with the scientific deliberations but also the entire organization of the conference. Credit goes to you and your team. Well done. Hope to meet you for the conference next year." Dr. Julius Vaz (Dr. Reddy's Laboratories Ltd., Hyderabad, India)
“This note is to say thank you and congratulations to you and your team for developing and hosting such a wonderful 2nd ICDDT. I thoroughly enjoyed the meeting and the exciting city of Dubai. Once again, thank you very much and congratulations!!!” Prof. Bill Southerland (Howard University College of Medicine, Washington, USA)
"I very much enjoyed this well organized conference and your hospitality. Excellent job. I also appreciated the excellent administrative help." Prof. Martin Korbling (University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, USA)
"I congratulate you and your team on doing an outstanding job!" Dr. Jonathan Lewis (ZIOPHARM Oncology, Inc., USA)
"After happy landing back to Finland already from another Conference in Switzerland, I would like to warmly thank you and your collaborators for the interesting and extremely well organized ICDDT congress in Dubai. It was a great pleasure to join you and all old and new friends and to see the wonderful and impressive buildings." Prof. Heikki Vapaatalo (University of Helsinki, Finland)
"The 3rd International Conference on Drug Discovery and Therapy should provide eminent scientists the opportunity to present their cutting edge researches in the field of drug development/therapy and applications in medicine. It should once again be able to attract a number of Nobel Laureates and leading researchers to Dubai. The previous conference held in February 2010 in Dubai was an outstanding success and I am greatly looking forward to once again participating in this exciting scientific annual event in February 2011. I expect that it will come to be regarded as the top conference in the Middle East in its field."
"The 3rd International Conference on Drug Discovery & Therapy", scheduled to be held from 7th - 10th February, 2011 will bring together the world's leading scientists in the field of drug discovery and therapy to discuss their latest researches in the exciting setting of sunny Dubai. The conference should provide an occasion to the participanting scientists not only to present their researches and interact with eminent colleagues but also to enjoy the magical environment of the rich Eastern traditions and culinary delights of Dubai.
The conference will attract a targeted group of senior international decision makers. Delegates and exhibitors will have a valuable, informative and positive experience.